Wednesday, February 29

where has that old friend gone lost in a february song?


Goodbye February! I'm not sad to see you go, especially with weather such as this. Though I am a bit worried about the happenings of March (such as my piano audition at the end of the month!), I'm very excited to welcome another month into my dismal life and even more excited to experience it with all of you! 

What happened on the blog this month?
She had 22 posts, 1,235 visitors, and 7 new stalkers readers! I'm pretty sure that that is a record for this ole' blog. (Hi, new readers! I'm really glad to have you here! Keep commenting and interacting, I love you all)
I was accepted to Bethel College!
I made my first ever gif for the blog.
I posted (1234) some snazzy hairstyles and hair DIY's. 
Did my first ever guest interview featuring Abbi
I was interviewed on Abbi's blog.
Ivory Giraffes is now on FacebookBloglovin' , & Twitter

Tuesday, February 28

what i wore// famous in a small town



When: Sunday, Feb. 19, 2011 
What I Wore: 
Green Dress- Aeropostale 
Grey Striped Dress- Forever21
Grey Tights- Payless 
Boots- Blowfish (TJ Maxx) 
Where: Church

I really loved this outfit. One of my more creative outfits recently. I've really loved my green dress (I got it around a year and half ago...) especially knowing that I found it at an outlet store for $3! Goll do I love bargains. Plus, these Blowfish booties. Can we talk about these suckers? I love them. I got them half off for $25. And they're probably some of the most comfortable shoes I own, which is a big thing for me to say what with my flat feet. 

P.S. Forgive me for the horrible backgrounds? If I can get Scar onto the porch I'm lucky. 

Monday, February 27

This Weekend I...



Read "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green... okay, to be honest I read it in roughly six hours on Friday night. It could very well possibly be my new favorite book, and I highly recommend it! Ah. So highly. 
Went Square Dancing (again) and of course had a blast. Most of the time I sit and watch, but finally my cousin Brad asked me to dance and I had to oblige. 
Cuddled with my boy. That was probably my favorite part (or was it the book???). I sorta kind really super like that kid. Okay, to be honest I love him. 

Saturday, February 25

Guest Interview: True Blue Abbi

I'm excited to announce my first ever guest interview, Abbigayle of True Blue Abbi! Abbi is fourteen, home schooled, and just about the cutest thing ever! Without further adieu: Abbi
edited 1

Q: What are five words to describe your personality? 
A: Quirky, Outgoing, Great Listener & Advice Giver, Sarcastic.

Q: What go you interested in blogging?
A: It was actually something for my church. I had to do a 10 hour project and the idea originally came from my Dad. It's evolved A LOT though! I've loved every minute of it.

Q: What do you do when you're not blogging?
A: I love reading, writing, fashion, beauty, and photography. I'm actually working on a novel and need to get going more in photography. 

Q: How did you name your blog?
A: My Aunt is a graphic designer and 1 1/2 years ago (when TBA started) she originally helped me figure stuff out and get it going. So, True Blue Abbi was born. We tried to think of everything that would go. We wanted my name in it (Abbigayle, shortened to Abbi by most) so the rest had to go! Finally, we found True Blue and the meaning for it. One of the meanings of True Blue is this: Unwaveringly or staunchly loyal, esp. to a person, a cause, etc. 

Q: How would you describe your style?
A: I'm a Minimalist. I try to incorporate different colors, patterns, jewelry, etc. but usually it doesn't work out. I stick with a basic tee, nice jeans, and comfy shoes. Don't get me wrong, I'm not boring. It's just... I'm trying to branch out. My Mom calls me 85% Minimalist and 15% Maverick. That's because I do take risks; only, small ones.

Q: What's your best blogging advice?
A: Honestly, just be yourself. People can tell when you're just blogging for numbers or if you're really enjoying what you're telling others about! Love what you do. If you fix up your hair everyday, post hair tutorials. If you loves crafts, show it off! You know?

Q: What's one thing most people don't know about you?
A: One thing? Haha, I'll share a couple. I still sleep with a teddy bear, eat like a truck driver, and get into fist fights a lot. Most people don't expect that from me. People think I'm super girly, but I'm not. I mean, at times I can be, but I'm cool getting dirty wrestling with the boys, having eating contests, smacking people upside the head, or anything really. I'm definitely unique! Haha. 


Thanks so much Abbi for letting me interview you! I'm super stoked to get the opportunity! If you'd like to check out Abbi interviewing me just go to her site! 

Friday, February 24

Hair Week//Day 4: Reverse Roll



Look at me! No braid! 
I really loved this little style, pretty & simple. Very easy to do, too! 

Sorry to keep this so short, but I've got to get back to my new book "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green before I go out square dancing this evening! DFTBA

Thursday, February 23

Hair Week//Day 3: Olive Oil Treatment


Wanna get healthy, shiny hair? 
There are tons of companies out there that promise you big results if you use their treatment... and for only $19.99! 
Well, I don't know about you but I'm saving up for college. I don't really feel like spending money on something that probably won't even give me the results I'm looking for. So instead I've found something that works just as well (actually, better!) and you probably already have it in your cupboards: Olive Oil. You can get the cheap stuff for $4.78 at your local Walmart and if you use it solely for your hair it will last a long time. 
All you do is lean your head over a bathtub or sink, pour a little of this onto your head and work it in. Use as much as it takes to cover all of your head (trust me, you will not need as much as you think!). Wrap your hair up turban-style with a towel, then just leave it in for awhile. I'd say at least a half hour, but it won't hurt if you leave it longer! After you're done letting it soak in rinse your hair out really well. You might need someone to help you with the last step. Voila! Healthy. Shiny. Hair. 

Wednesday, February 22

Hair Week//Day 2: Triple Side Braid



Okay, to be honest I started this as a Side Double Braid and tried leaving out my non-existent bangs to attempt to curl them into some bangs. Needless to say it didn't work. So I improvised by creating another braid. I like it. It's simple. Pretty. And very different than my normal things. (Kind of. Still braids. Just a bit more elaborate.) 

In news not related hair today I received a letter from Bethel saying that I was picked to have a scholarship! I'm really excited and honored. It makes me even more excited to head off to Indiana next Fall. 

Tuesday, February 21

Hair Week// Day 1: Braided Bun


As you may have noticed yesterday, I love braids. I always have*. So here you go. It's definitely nothing spectacular, but this is one of my go-to hairstyles. Braid my bangs back and then a messy bun. Though, usually I throw my locks into a high bun, I thought I'd be crazy and try a low one. Woo. Somebody stop me! I could get dangerous. 

*Seriously. When I was little I got the bright idea to cut my own hair, the end result was a mullet. But when my mom first saw my hair she cried and cried and I told her it didn't matter. Hair grows back. Then she told me with my hair how it was I couldn't have braids anymore... that's when I started bawling. 

Monday, February 20

MMH #18

1. I just adore this hairstyle! So pretty and perfect!

2. This ring... to die for! (Hint Hint to anyone who may know me in "real" life.)
Source: via Hannah on Pinterest

3. Everything about this outfit is perfect. I love it.

4. Once again... this hair.
I wish I had the guts to dye my hair. 

5. And for the final time... the hair.
It's just... gah. 

In case none of you noticed, I've been really into hairstyles. Lately I've felt like I'm doing pretty much nothing with my long hair. So I've dubbed this hair week. And everyday (starting tomorrow) I'm going to do a new (to me) hairstyle! Let us see what happens. 

Wednesday, February 15

it's the little things...


... like finding a picture of the boy on my camera that i forgot about. 
speaking of the boy and his athleticism he is now playing basketball, while doing track conditioning. the kid is going to either a) become an absolute beast at both or b) wear himself out. i'm leaning towards a mixture of both. while i'm very happy that he's been having a blast, i do miss having the kid around more often. oh well! he's having fun.  

Tuesday, February 14

what i wore: in details//love you out loud


American Eagle Blouse- Thrifted; Cardigan- Target; Destroyed Jeans- JC Penney; 
As promised I am back with my outfit. Last year I wore Hello Kitty, and I talked about how much I didn't like Valentine's Day. Though I still agree with the part about it being completely commercialized I've also thought about it some more, and have decided it's not so bad. Now, I don't want you to think I've changed my idea because I have a lovely boy in my life. I've just really thought about it, and how can someone hate a holiday about love? I mean, if you hate love something's a bit mixed up with your insides. I personally love love, and I will make it a point to tell everyone who means something to me that I love them. And as self proclaiming Christ Follower how can I be against something so full of Christ? God is love. He doesn't just love people, He is love. And sure Valentine's Day may just be an excuse for some people to get into other people's pants, but Christmas has also become a time for people to become selfish. And just because some people use it the wrong way doesn't mean that I can't still love Valentine's Day and Christmas. So I urge you to use this day to your advantage. Use it to let the world know that you still have faith in it, and that you love it. Okay... now that I've ranted about my views on Valentine's Day, how about this outfit? It's a pretty typical "Hannah" outfit. Shirt. Cardigan. Jeans. But I usually don't wear reddish things (though I'm beginning to think this is more of a pinky color...) so I say it's my Valentine's Day outfit. It's good enough for me. Also, though you can't really tell in any of the pictures, my hair is in a heart braid. I quite like it. Okay. That is all my lovelies. Have a beautiful, wonderful day. I love you. (I really mean that. I do.) 

PS Do you like my heart garland? 

Happy Valentine's Day

Dnu0Gh on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs
Happy Valentine's Day my lovelies! I hope you find yourself full of love, and not necessarily the romantical time. Too many people think that that's all that Valentine's Day is. A day for singles to be completely aware of how "Forever Alone" they are, and for couples to display way too much PDA. I've never thought that, myself. But, then again, who am I to know? 
Take today to show a little extra love. To smile at a stranger. To do some extra dishes. To make the world a little better of a place. Because for real, how could you hate on a holiday about love? If you really want to hate on a holiday make it something like... St. Patrick's Day or something where the whole point is to be drunk before noon.*
I'll be back with an outfit post in a bit! 

*I actually enjoy St. Patty's Day what with my being Irish and all. I'm just making a point. Don't hate me. Please. Show a little loooove. 

Monday, February 13

MMH #17

1. I'm thinking about starting a Pyrex collection. Mainly due to all the pretty colors. Which I would also love to have in my wardrobe. 

2. I've never really talked about how much I sew. I used to a lot more than I do now, and I'm finding that I've missed making my annual quilt. So maybe I'll work on this one

3. Maybe because it's almost Valentine's Day but I'm definitely digging this DIY Lace Heart Cardigan. I think I'll go thrifting and find a big ole' cardigan and make it!

Saturday, February 11

and here's to many more

{yes. that is me with short hair... super short hair. moral behind the story: don't mess with me, because i will bring over a hundred dollars worth of pennies and kick your butt in a penny march and proceed to throw a pie in your face}
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite cousins: Brad. The kid has went from being one of those cool older kids you've always looked up to into this 20 year old extremely close friend. You're amazing Brad, and though you'll probably never see this I want to tell you how much I've appreciated you especially over the past two years. You've been more than a friend, you've been my brother. Thank you for always watching out for me, and teaching me the ways of Assassin's Creed. You've let me cut your hair. You've just been one of the best friends I will ever have the pleasure of having. We may fight sometimes, but that's what siblings are for. I'm going to miss you when we both move away to our colleges. I love ya, bud. 

Friday, February 10

what i'll wear// were you dropped on your head as infant or just born stupid?

As I told you yesterday I got my beloved package from ModCloth via FedEx yesterday! I was super duper excited. 
I had mentioned last Monday that I was in need of a Little Black Dress, and it took loads of searching but I finally found one. I had really liked quite a few from Nordstrom, and some from Target, but I just couldn't find anything exactly like what I was looking for. Hunter can testify to how picky I am when it comes to clothes sometimes, and he likes to make fun of me for it. But, hey, if I know what I want why would I settle? I had almost given up hope of finding the one when I randomly checked ModCloth (is anyone else obsessive about checking that site? i literally check at least once {usually more} a day). And I spotted this little number. Isn't she gorgeous? When I saw it I knew it was the one, but was quite put off by the price. Lucky for me I have a great Mama who decided I could have it seeing as I've never had to buy a prom or homecoming dress!
Putting it on made me feel like I Skeeter from The Help, and I love it! Now all I need is to have it hemmed a wee (or a lot) bit to fit my short frame, and some cute high heels and I'm set for my audition to get into Bethel's music program, and since I've already been accepted this is the last step! 

Thursday, February 9

don't forget to remember me

So I'm thinking maybe we should have a party because of this, no? 
I can't even begin to describe to you guys how absolutely happy I am at this moment. It's incredible, and I'm so happy.

Tuesday, February 7

the only thing worse than beating a dead horse is betting on one.

I try and have outfit posts every Tuesday and Thursday, but I unfortunately do not have an outfit post for today. Why? Well I've been wearing sweatpants since last Thursday. I'm pretty sure I've looked darn fabulous in them (or maybe that's just the caffeine talking...) but I doubted that you'd want to see the pictures so instead I will leave you with a picture of my cat. Close enough, right?

PS I'm working on a pretty awesome post for sometime next week about my nose piercing, if you have any questions about piercings shoot 'em at me and I can try to answer them and include them in my post! 

Monday, February 6

born & raised in a summer haze

Uncle Phil
Sorry for my paleness.
Little Tanner
Bonfires in Bliss during the winter is very fun, I tell you. All you city slickers will never be able to fully enjoy bonfires like we do out here in the boondocks. Bonfires where you have to put your SUV into four wheel drive just to get back there, & you still run the risk of getting stuck. 
This weekend ended up to be pretty great. Bonfire on Friday night, & a whole day with Hunter on Saturday. I love having him & me time. We watched movies, cuddled, played some chess, & some volleyball. One thing I forget to do when I'm with him is take pictures. I'm much too busy having fun. Maybe next time.