This month seems to have flown by extremely fast. Like super-speed. It's crazy to me that just next month I'll be turing eighteen, and graduating from high school. Weird, right? I have big plans for the month of May, as it's my birthday month! So here we go into another round-up!
On the blog-
- Ivory Giraffes had 25 posts in April, 1,645 visitors (just a wee bit less than last month), 56 comments, and 7 new readers! (Hi, new readers! I'm so glad you joined me, and I can't wait to read your comments and connect more with you!)
- I was interviewed by the ever stunning Abbigayle!
- I explained Why I Blog.
- I posted five outfits.
Off the blog-
- I went down to Bethel to watch my cousin graduate.
- I went to Florida for ten days (and saw the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!)
- I joined Instagram ( @hannahbyard )
- Went to two of Hunter's track meets!
- Bought my first ever Essie nail polish!
- Tried three different kinds of fish (HUGE accomplishment)
- Finished writing this. Ha.
Sweet April Child
It's the spring of your youth
Cherish these precious days
Summer comes all too soon.