Monday, May 30

a nameless post

 Cami & Plaid Shirt (JCPenney)+White Eyelet Skirt (Rue21)+Black Cropped Tights (Target)=Workie Workie

I don't have a picture, but guess what I bought today? A new Pandora bead. I'm pretty sure I should rename my blog to something like "The Diary of a Pandora Hoarder". It'd be real big. I can see it all now. Shiny bracelets, fancy beads. Mmm. But it's another murano, and it's totally the Gryffindor colors. And that is why I bought it. I'll for sure take a picture for ya'll. 
I worked today, and it was super duper boring. Hence the me playing in Pandora and ending up buying something. That's why my outfit is a bit disheveled, cause I took the picture at the end of the day. By the way, how do you like that pertty little zit on the side of my nose. It's a stupid reoccurring zit. I don't know how it happens, seeing as I wash my face at least twice a day. As soon as it's gone I rejoice and about a week later I hear a little voice go "I'm baaaaaaack". And then I scream. Not really, I just cry a little. Zits drive me crazy. I know, it's soooo teenager, but heck I figure I might as well get my crazy teenage angst out while I can. 
One more semi-important thing for you all. A question actually.
I suck at makeup, I'm getting a wee bit better about eyeliner, mascara, etc., but the whole foundation thing I just can't figure out. I feel like it looks like my face is painted on, and I don't even use that much! I just want to look a wee bit more natural, but still be able to cover up my little occasional zits. What would you all recommend? Right now I'm using Neutrogena liquid foundation.

Sunday, May 29

rainbows, lollipops, and dresses.

 Scarlett's Dress (Walmart)+Teal Cardi (Target)+White Belt (Thrifted)=Summer Has Arrived

I belted a freaking cardigan. 
I think I may have done it once before, with this cardigan but I belted it with a scarf. I liked it, sorta but I wasn't super comfortable in it. 
This on the other hand... heaven. This dress was just intended for me to belt it, it's actually Scarlett's (do you notice how I always steal her clothes? she hates it.) and she doesn't belt it when she wears it and completely pulls it off. Me, on the other hand, when I put it on without a belt it looked terrible. Like a shapeless bag or something, it probably has something to do with the lack of boobage on this chick.

So I know you probably hate those bloggers where they talk about the weather, but I don't care. If you mind that much skip this paragraph. Because HELLO!! it's 82 degrees today and it make me overjoyed with life. The sucky part is that I have to go to work soon... until 10. Day wasted in a store. Drats. 
The other sucky thing about it being so bright and sunny out is that the Eskimo that I have become isn't used to the sun and squints in all of her pictures. That's cool.

P.S. How about those pictures?
For once in my life I feel like I took decent pictures. Erm, hello? Do you see that detail shot. Yipps, I'm good. Not really. Just a lucky shot. 

Ok. One other thing before I check out with ya'll. Have you been to my sister's blog? She photographs the majority of my stuff and she's just plain amazing. If you haven't been over there... check her out and leave her pretty comments.
Just. Click. ----> This Link
Pretty please? 

Friday, May 27

summer nights, everybody are you with me?

HK Tank (Forever 21)+Olive Shorts (Thrifted)+Red AllStars=Summer Time

Guess what came in the lovely mail today? 
If you guessed "A bright red pair of Converse in a size 6" well... You got it, dude! I'm overjoyed! They're my birthday present, and tho they're a wee bit big (which is weird because I generally wear a 6, but I probably should have gotten a 5 or 5.5) I ADORE them. They're just what I've been wanting. What's funny is that they're the first pair of new tennis shoes that I've had to buy since 5th grade. Pathetic right? But oh so worth it. I'm already in love with them and I haven't even had them for 3 hours. I'm pretty sure this is going to be my summer uniform, which will probably get old for you all. But it's so comfy. I'm still loving the tank (not that I ever thought I'd fall out of love with it. it IS Hello Kitty) it's so comfy and perfect for summer, tho if I'm being honest it still doesn't feel like summer. It hasn't been past 60 for days. But lucky for you all, now that my hair is growing out I'm figuring out fun things to do with it. Remember when I wanted to know what this braid is called? Well I found out (it's called a waterfall braid) and I'm making my mother do it in my hair. I'm really having fun with this long hair stuff. But, yeah, anyways, my outfits this summer'll probably be pretty much just like this one except for work outfits. 
 I'm working now, which probably means good things for you all. I'll probably look more cute and I'll have tons more jewelry. That's the problem with working where I work, I want to have half the store. I've already have two new beads (spacers actually, so they're a wee bit cheaper) for my Pandora. But, HELLO!!, how could I resist? They look like Hello Kitty bows, which is a must for Lauren to own. 

Ok. Wow. Longest post ever?? Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner.
Oh! One more quick thing: 
I've been meaning to learn to play the guitar for, oh I don't know, around a year now. I've known one, lonely, single chord for around that same amount of time. But I've finally learned three more! I'm finding it to be super challenging, but I'm sort of happy about that in a strange sort of way. So that's why I have a guitar with me. In case you were wondering. 

Tuesday, May 24

thumbs up baby

Whoa. I've been meaning to do this for... oh I don't know over a week! Yes, I'm behind. But whatever, it's nearly summer and I don't have a schedule for my life anymore. Which I'm totally a fan of. 
Anywho, peoples, are you wondering why I have such a happy look on my face and giving ya'll a thumbs up?? Well it's because I've reached over a hundred posts!!
K, maybe that's not such a big deal for you. But for me, it totally is. Sometimes I'm a wee bit bad at sticking with things, especially if I don't see instant gratification. 
So let's pretend this is a party, I'll buy the red plastic cups. Because we all know that's when a real party begins, when you have red plastic cups.*

*Please do not think that I'm implying we should drink beer, I was thinking more along the lines of Mountain Dew. 

MMH #11

Lauren is back and running.
At least until my computer acts stupid again. But let's pray that doesn't happen. 
It's finally warming up some in Northern Michigan, which makes me extremely happy. I even got to go to the beach for a good hour and half yesterday. I would have stayed longer, but Rebekah hit her foot while digging with a spade and started bleeding all over the place, so I had to hop on my bicycle and head home. Luckily the child didn't need to go to the E.R. (that is the beauty of having a nurse for an Aunt). 
OK. Enough of the chit-chat. I've got a Monday Must Haves to get to. (even though its Tuesday... my bad)

I thought I'd do my Top 5 songs:

1. Honey Bee- Blake Shelton 
It's just so cute and summer-y.

2. Stand- Rascal Flatts
This has been one of my favorite songs for, oh I don't know, EVER!

3. Rondo- Mozart
I know. I have sort of weird taste in music. I just like everything

4. Liar- Fireflight 
Eeks. I just love it. Fireflight is just plain wonderful.

5. Anthem- Superchic(k) 
I've just recently gotten into Superchic(k)... I know I'm behind in the times. But they're just so good. 

I'm pretty sure I could post a trillion songs, and they would ALL be my favorites. 

Friday, May 20


I'm sorry for being M.I.A.
My computer is a pile of stinky cow manure. 

Okay, anywho, I'm gonna do a "20 Things Roundup"

#1: I'm scared of chickens
#2: I hate talking on the phone
#3: I'm a shortie
#4: I'm obsessed with handwriting
#5: I'm a picky eater
#6: I love Vanilla Coke
#7: I have flat feet
#8: I have really poor vision
#9: I love Amanda Bynes
#10: I'm a Nerdfighter
#11: I find my voice annoying
#12: I wish I was more crazy with my hair
#13: I love baggy t-shirts
#14: I believe in the Loch Ness monster and other fairytales
#15: I want a nose piercing
#16: I love to swim
#17: Notebooks are my best friends
#18: I used to have a mullet
#19: I get easily frustrated
#20: I'm just simply me. I have one personality for everyone I meet, and I'm just... me. It's my favorite part about myself. Like take for example, no matter how many people are around, if I have to pee I will randomly say "I gotta pee." to everyone around me. It's just something I say. It's weird. But... it's ME. 

Ok. I know this is getting to be a crazy long post buuut I just want to say I've had one awesome birthday and I got some super cute things at the nearest mall (meaning I had to drive well over two hours to get there... ahh country life) which you will be seeing in the next couple of days cause I know you've all missed my precious face. Kidding, kidding... kinda. But for realz, this birthday has been so awesome. Last night (or this morning I guess) I went to the midnight showing of The Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides with my bestest friends in the world- Scarlett, Tanner, Hunter, Casie and Brad. And it was a blast. It was sooo good but so different from the others. But I'm a huge Pirates fan. Ok. Now that I've bored you all, you may go about your business. 

Wednesday, May 18


When I was little I had a mullet. 
It's actually an amusing story.
The story starts a couple weeks before the event when my Mother got a haircut. Seeing my Mom get one, I decided I wanted a haircut. But she said no. 
Fast forward a couple weeks. My Mom had errands to run or something and left Scarlett and I with our Daddy. Well, Scar and him decided to take a nap, and I saw the perfect opportunity to get a haircut. I ended up cutting big chunks out of my hair. When my Mom got home she totally freaked out on me, but I told her it didn't matter and that my hair would grow back. Then she told me I couldn't have braids in my hair anymore... and I started bawling. The only way the hair-lady-person could make it look decent-ish was to give me a mullet... if you can call that decent. 

Tuesday, May 17

i went swimmin' in the biggun

I did it. 
I went swimming.
It was cold, 50 degrees!!, but I did it! 
Probably the coolest part of all was as Rebekah and I were running up to my car to go out for ice cream (are we crazy or are we crazy??!!??) we saw a Morel Mushroom!! Which is awesome because nobodies been finding them this year. Woot, woot!


I love notebooks. 
I have multiple notebooks for different things. I have my poetry/lyrics notebook. Then my journal notebook. And also the one you see here is my random notebook. There's a bunch of quotes, including my new one "Where our music is welcome we play it loud. Where it is challenge we play louder." I also write down random dates and things I want to remember for forever. Notebooks and pens are my favorite. 

Monday, May 16


I love to swim. 
I like about a mile from Lake Michigan, Sturgeon Bay to be exact, and I swear that there is no better place to swim in the world. It's cold, though. Which is my only mini complaint. But it's a veeeery mini complaint. The water is soo blue (it could almost be the water in Carlisle Bay... ha. that was one of my lines, and it popped into my head) and clear. Its beautiful. Every May I make sure to go in earlier than the year before, even if it's freezing. Which means I gotta go in by tomorrow. Eek. 

Sunday, May 15

MMH #10

Whoa! We're at Monday Must Haves number 10. 
I'm gonna cut the rambling and get to the good stuff!

1. Babies. 
'Nuff said.

2. Vintage. 
I've decided that my favorite time period (clothing-wise that is) is the 1940's. I wish I could have everything 1940's. EVERYTHING.

3. Hello Kitty Chain Saw
If you haven't noticed... I'm a country girl, and do my fair share of woodcutting. I think I need this. 

4. Tree In Room
I want a freaking tree in my kitchen. This whole room is pretty. 

5. Vintage Bathing Suit
If I were ever to wear a bikini (other than when I'm pregnant, because how cute is a pregnant lady in a bikini??) it'd be a vintage one. How cute are they?? 
{via modcloth}


Tho I'm seen as a "preppy" girl, I want a nose piercing. 
Never a ring, but a little, cute, pretty stud. I know some people are definitely not fans of piercings other than ears, but I figure if you can rock it... Do it. Many facial piercings (is that what they're even called??" I feel would look just stupid on me. Like Monroes are cute, but I couldn't pull them off. But I feel like I could do a nose stud, and I think if they're done right they can really add some prettiness. 
Ahh, I can't decide whether I should or not. But I shall decide soon.

P.S. The past two days I've worn these two super duper cute outfits, but as I've been having to leave earlyish for work I could photograph them. I'll put them back on and make Scarlett take some pictures for you all (:

image via

Saturday, May 14


I am one of those weird people who wholeheartedly believe in the Loch Ness Monster. I'm a bit iffy on BigFoot, but the Loch Ness Monster is real! I just know in my heart of hearts that she's real. (It's obviously a girl.) Someday I'll gonna go to Loch Ness, and I'm gonna be super sweet and talk to her and she'll come out and say "Hi" to me. She's just one of those things... like fairies and Hogwarts... that I'm positive exist. How could they not? Someday all the doubters will see! I know they will.

Friday, May 13

AR-T. Artie Abrams.

Ya'll are gonna get sick of me posting, but I had to do this. 
Cause I'm super excited that it's finally Friday. This week has went on for foreva.
And what better opportunity to show you a Glee song?? 

you complete me

I know that in the world of style, baggy tee-shirts are not on the list of things to wear, and they're definitely not something interesting enough to post on. But, to be honest, the days that you don't see my outfits I'm wearing a tee shirt. At least for the most part. What can I say? I like my tee shirts. They're comfy. 
I feel like if you just wear them and have no confidence at all you're gonna look frumpy, but in my heart of hearts I believe anyone can own a tee if they have some confidence. If you look like you pulled a tee shirt on, didn't wash your hair, and your face is greasy it's not gonna look the best. But I believe you can make it fabulous. You just have to have an air of fabulousness about you.

In other news, I'm going to go fishing tonight. For the first time in my life, and it's not just any kind of fishing... it's sucker fishing. I don't really know the difference from sucker fishing and regular fishing, except that we're using a net and not a pole. Hopefully I'll remember to bring my camera and take some pic-chaas. 
In even other news I still haven't gotten my Flickr to work, so I got sick of waiting and made another account. So picture quality is back up!! I don't know if anyone else can see the huge quality difference, but I know I can and I love it so much more! 

The Equation
Vigoss Cropped Jeans (Thrifted)
"You Complete Me" Tee (Disney WORLD. I was right in the video)
Flip Flops (Not seen)
Easy Breezy (Beautiful, Covergirl?) 


Look who decided to do another video! Thiiis kid. 
Don't pretend you're not proud of me, cause I know you are. 
I feel like I'm a little more... loose? in this one. Which is good.. right? 
But, for realz gals, I have a trillion tee shirts. It's sort of insane. 

Thursday, May 12


Thing number 12 is that I wish I had fun hair. More, I wish I was brave enough to have fun hair, but I'm too much of a wimp. Especially red. Ohhh, how I wish I had red hair and green eyes. But, seriously folks, what is a better accessory than your hair?? There is none I tell you! And my accessory is very boring. 
I wish I was brave like Scarlett, or Kaylah. But I really feel like I couldn't pull it off. Maybe someday I'll get highlights or something, I've never put any color in my hair... ever. No highlights. No nothing. Yes. I'm boring. I need to be crazier sometimes. 

Wednesday, May 11

magic school deck

One of the best things about being homeschooled is being able to sit outside and do my school. Especially this time of year. I was all bummed when I woke up, because it was thundering and raining and I didn't think I'd be able to read outside, but it cleared up (thank heavens!) and I did some school outside. I even got a 92% on my Algebra 2 Test, which was glorious because I haven't been a good child and I've been slacking in the Algebra department. But I was super pleased with myself for doing so well! Go me!
Actually, if I'm being honest I love Algebra. I love Math in general. It's fun. Yes, I'm a huge nerd. But do I care? Not a bit. Nerd's are cute anyways.

Can you tell I'm obsessed with that red bandana? Because I definitely am. I have to restrain myself from wearing it everyday. Which is definitely hard. But I'm doing it, day by day. It's a tough road. But seriously, I love that thing. I just feel so... fifties. Or maybe it's forties, I'm not sure. Whatever it is, I like it. 
When I did my little "20 Things" video, I put on my cardigan but I definitely don't like the outfit with the cardigan as much as I thought I would. I like it simple (big surprise there, right gals?). 

What do you think of "The Equation" thing I've been doing? Too nerdy? Too long? I'm not sure what I think about it, yet. I sorta like it, it's original, but it's definitely long. Maybe I'll figure something else out. Who knows. I sure as heck don't. 

What I Wore:
Vigoss Cropped Jeans (Thrifted); V-Neck T-shirt (Borrowed once again from Scar); Red Bandana (Borrowed from Rebekah); Teal Cardigan [in video (Target)]

One again, sorry about picture quality. My computer is still acting like a turd, and I can't get my flickr to work... oh the joy. 


But seriously. My voice is annoying to me. 
Maybe that's why I hate talking on phones.
Did you like my puppy in the backgroud? She's freaking huge. 
P.S. Sorry for the weird ending, but I'd already had three takes and didn't want to do it again. Sorrrry for my laziness. 

Tuesday, May 10


I love Nerdfighters. I am a Nerdfighter. 
And Hank is my favorite. He's so darn cute. But John is pretty fantastic too. Nerdfighters are just... the bee's knees. If you don't know what a Nerdfighter is... go shoot yourself. Or just look 'em up on youtube. Whichever is easier for you right now.


Let's pretend that my eyes are open in that last picture, k? 
The wind is... well, windy. And it's sorta rainy.
Which this kid isn't happy about. 
Ok, Lauren, stop talking about the weather. It's not interesting.

I didn't even wear this outfit out of the house today, how lame am I? 
Actually Tuesdays are my "go nowhere" days. So it's fairly normal. 
I actually like it. It's like... country chic. Maybe. 

So in other news, I was thinking about how people sometimes look down on fashion bloggers because they think they're obsessed with themselves because they take so many pictures. But I was thinking, those of us who post pictures of ourselves often, we're pretty brave! It sometimes doesn't do much for one's self esteem to look at the pictures. Especially if the outfit didn't work too well. 

Ok. So now that I've bored you, I'm gonna get going on a bike ride. (:

The Equation
Rascal Flatts Tee (Concert)
Billabong Button Up (Borrowed from Scar)
Dark Wash Shorts (J.C. Penney)
Grey Tights (Payless)
Black Cowboy Boots (Gift)
Cowgirl Chic

Monday, May 9


I love Amanda Bynes. 
She's absolutely hilarious. I love her facial expressions.
Her best is definitely "She's the Man", but Sydney White is amazing also. And her in Hairspray is great. And What I Like About You. And that one movie where she's fake lost on an island. I just love her. 

Plus she got to work with Channing Tatum. Who is... yeah. 
Bro. Brother... Brethern? 

MMH #9

Basically this bike looks just like mine, and I need this shirt.
Simple as that.

2. Braid
Lately, I've just loved braids. I think it's because right now braids are the only way I can really keep my weird length bangs out of my face. And braids are really nice for work, which I'm always in need of good work things.

I just love paper lanterns, I really want some for my bunk. It's always in need of some light down in my cave. But these, these are just too cute.

4. Hello Kitty Maxi
I'm still iffy about maxi dresses. They look adorable on other girls, but I wonder if I'm waaay too short to even attempt to pull it off. But, sometimes you just gotta go with what you like and forget whether it looks fabulous on you or not. 

5. More Braids
I really want to figure out how to do this one. 
It's just so so pretty.
If anyone knows how, or knows what it's called so I can find some sort of tutorial, I'd be oh so grateful. (: