Tuesday, May 24

MMH #11

Lauren is back and running.
At least until my computer acts stupid again. But let's pray that doesn't happen. 
It's finally warming up some in Northern Michigan, which makes me extremely happy. I even got to go to the beach for a good hour and half yesterday. I would have stayed longer, but Rebekah hit her foot while digging with a spade and started bleeding all over the place, so I had to hop on my bicycle and head home. Luckily the child didn't need to go to the E.R. (that is the beauty of having a nurse for an Aunt). 
OK. Enough of the chit-chat. I've got a Monday Must Haves to get to. (even though its Tuesday... my bad)

I thought I'd do my Top 5 songs:

1. Honey Bee- Blake Shelton 
It's just so cute and summer-y.

2. Stand- Rascal Flatts
This has been one of my favorite songs for, oh I don't know, EVER!

3. Rondo- Mozart
I know. I have sort of weird taste in music. I just like everything

4. Liar- Fireflight 
Eeks. I just love it. Fireflight is just plain wonderful.

5. Anthem- Superchic(k) 
I've just recently gotten into Superchic(k)... I know I'm behind in the times. But they're just so good. 

I'm pretty sure I could post a trillion songs, and they would ALL be my favorites. 

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