Monday, January 28

Keep on Laughing

I'm generally a bit of a wallflower. And I know that the word, or phrase, "wallflower" has been thrown around quite often after The Perks of Being a Wallflower has become a phenomenon, but I truly feel as if I am one. I observe a lot, sit in the backgrounds and just watch. I'm known to be the more reserved, and quiet one of the group. Because of that I really feel like I belong in a Farmer's Market. When I'm there I get to observe everything; take in all the colors and really watch people. You see people who are engrossed in their trade, who are passionate about what they're doing. And the beautiful displays and color are inspiring to my eye.
Needless to say, I went to a Farmer's Market over the weekend. It was fun, even though I didn't buy anything. The books were by far my favorite part! So many old, old poetry books that I was just itching to buy. But, I'm really trying to save my pennies for a prom dress. Woe is me. The only thing that may have been more interesting than the books would be this whole box of spoon rings that a man had for sale. They were gorgeous and I just wanted one so, so bad. Ugh.

P.S. All these pictures were taken by one of my BFF's Lauren of Lauren Anne Photography. She's 1) a great and beautiful girl and 2) a super talented photographer from Columbus, Ohio. I left a link to her Facebook page, so be sure to check her out and contact her if you're ever in need of some beautiful pictures taken and you're in the Columbus area!

Wednesday, January 23


In the past couple of days snow has accumulated significantly in Mishawaka, Indiana. So much so that both of the ponds on Bethel's campus have froze over, providing an opportune place to test one's courage and walk across. {the picture is not of me, but rather one of my bff's brittany. although i also crossed the fierce reflection pond} What does this mean for me? Lots of cuddle time with Shang in my dorm when I'm not required to go to a class. 
I really enjoy my cozy little room, where most everything is either grey or purple. It has a quaint charm about it that I have come to love. I wasn't sure if I would ever feel like this dorm room was home, but come to find out: I have. I realized this today as I was finally walking back to my dorm. See, I had a really long day today. I was constantly either in class or in the practice room from nine this morning until five. And when I was walking back I realized how glad I was to be going to my room, my room. Where I live. And this... this is my new home. My home away from home. 

Sunday, January 20

Down Time.

Sometimes a girl 
Just needs some down time. 

After a much more adventurous weekend than I'm used to {staying out until one on friday!} I'm very pleased to just be laying in yoga pants, cuddling with Shang, catching up on some laundry and watching Lizzie Bennet Diaries {and maybe some chris crocker... i'm a heathen}. 
In much other news, I'm trying out a new font. Tell me what you think, and while you're at it you can take a survey all about what you think about Ivory Giraffes! I really want this blog to be something that other people enjoy as much as I do, and if you would take a minute or two to just give me some insight into what you want to read it'd be great! I don't want this to be a blog where it's all about me, with no interaction from you the readers. It's high time that I start reaching out to everyone else, so let's start a discussion! Be as harsh as you think you need to be! 

Wednesday, January 16

Snippets of the Bethel Life

I find myself back at school and beginning yet another phase in my life. I'm still in shock that I've finished my first semester of college and am now a week into my second. Not only that, but I've transitioned from living with a roommate to being on my own. I've stayed in my same room that I've had since the beginning of the year while my roommate moved floors. As weird as it was the first couple of days, I have to say that I'm really enjoying being on my own. I haven't had my own room since roughly fifth grade and it's a whole new experience being able to be completely by myself. Of course, I still have my wonderful and beautiful suite mates, but no one actually living in the same room as me. 

Last semester taught me a lot about who I am. It taught me some things about myself that I'm not so proud of, like being a complete pushover, but I also learned that I'm very true to who I am. If I don't think that something is right, I won't do it. And I still don't care what people think of me for the most part. I was always nervous that that was just a trait I acquired because I wasn't around people that often and I would lose the characteristic after arriving to college, but it's remained true. I'm confident with who I am as a person. For the most part I am a kind, caring, and really awkward person. And I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'm not a risk taker at all, and sometimes am a really big baby when it comes to things that might get me in trouble. 

I'm so excited for what these next 4 months have in store for me. Everything from my 8 A.M. Sight Singing and Ear Training class to trying to find a church that I really enjoy attending. I want to make the most of these months, and learn as much as I can. In and out of the classroom. I want to make the most of everything that is offered me, such as going to the gym {I'm on day four of going, guys!}. 

Hopefully I'll be able to write regularly, but if I skip a few days please give me some grace. If you ever really want to see what's going on in my life follow me on Twitter... I update a lot. And I've been Tumbling a lot recently, as well. I'm around for anyone who wants to chat, I hope I hear from you!

May you have a peaceful Wednesday, and may you accomplish everything that you have set out for yourself today. 

With Love,

Saturday, January 5

Stay, Stay, Stay

Today will be spent cuddling up with my new blanket from J.C. Penney and waiting for a new text from my boy. He's gone for the weekend {cue tears} and I won't see him until possibly Sunday. Sad day, seeing as I leave on Wednesday. I should be able to go to his basketball game on Tuesday, though. Even though that will probably be the scariest few moments of my life, as I know next to nothing about basketball. This break has just flown by and it makes me really sad that I'll be leaving him soon. My next break isn't for 53 whole days, and I don't really look forward to that. 

Thursday, January 3

Being Alive.

Yesterday Noey and I went out to eat at Roast & Toast for her Christmas present. What's the greatest thing about promising to take her out for soup and coffee? It's a present for me, too! Literally the most delicious food ever, I don't understand how anyone could ever have a distaste for their food! Seriously the best ever. If you're ever in the Petoskey, Michigan area: hit up roast and toast. Go for any one of their soups, ask for a cookie, and definitely order a snowball {get this: white hot chocolate with vanilla and coconut. add some whip cream. that's a snowball.}! Everything about Roast & Toast screams relaxation and comfort. I just lurve it. 

While looking at these pictures I realized that this is probably the first post since November that you've actually seen my face, and the first picture since August {AUGUST!!!} of myself that wasn't taken with my iPhone or Photobooth. I resolve to use my camera more during the next semester, take pictures of my lovely friends, and capture the best experiences. 

Tuesday, January 1

2013 Goals

I've never been much for resolutions but I decided that this year I would make some goals for myself. Hopefully this will help me to accomplish various things that I've been wanting to do for a long time, but just never got around to doing. Whenever I write things down I find it easier to do the things set out for me. So lets go. 
  • Write one letter a week. I enjoy writing letters but never am determined enough to do it on a weekly basis. I'd really like the start writing at least one letter/card a week!
  • Read two "for fun" books a month. I've noticed that since starting college I haven't made the time to settle down and read things just for the fun of it. I don't make the time in my schedule, and I hope that for the next year I will be able to make myself read more things for my own enjoyment. 
  • Learn guitar {finally!}. I've been wanting to learn guitar for years. I feel like it will be very useful to me, and just something I can do for enjoyment. It really kills me not having a piano in my room at school to just play when I'm stressed out, and if I knew how to play guitar it could be another way to play out my frustrations.
  • Ride my bike more. In 2012 I barely ever rode my oh so favorite bicycle. It was such as shame, as I absolutely adore riding my bike. So I'm hoping that in 2013 I can ride it whenever possible rather than driving places.
  • Blog three days a week. By the end of 2013 I really started slacking in the blogging realm and I'd like to get back to a regular schedule. Three days a weeks seems like a fair amount, not too big of a deal but not too small either.
  • Read the Bible all the way through. I've been wanting to read the Bible all the way through for years now and have never done it. Usually as soon as I get to Leviticus I quit, but I'm determined to do it this year. I figure I should fully read that in which I believe so deeply, so I'm hoping this year I read it all the way through.
  • Write in a journal. I really want to get to writing, writing by hand. Often. There's something to romantic about looking through a journal full of thoughts and ink. Hopefully this year I can do it. 
  • Get a 3.5 GPA or higher. This semester I got a 3.8 {putting me on the Dean's List!} and my goal for the year {next two semesters} is to get at least a 3.5. I'd be happier with a 3.8 or above, but I'll set realistic goals. 
  • Set weekly and monthly goals for myself. Breaking all of these big goals into smaller goals every week and month will help me to accomplish them... I hope. Even setting goals that have nothing to do with those listed above, it will be a good way to help myself progress. 
May 2013 treat you even better than 2012. May you conquer your biggest dreams, and find hope in these times. May every roadblock that comes in your path be followed with a solution. May you find joy, and love. And may this year bring to you everything you desire.