Over the weekend us Northerners got a boatload of snow. A boatload meaning roughly twenty inches. For Michigan we had a pretty mild winter, up until now. It's absolutely crazy how much we got in twenty-four hours. The snow storm started on Friday night at around six and lasted until late Saturday. Thankfully Sunday it quit all together, but by no means does that mean everything's great now.
I thought that the mailbox picture really showed how much snow we have. The sun was really pretty Sunday night, too.
The view from my truck... and this is after futile attempts of cleaning of the windshield. Let me tell you, it's awfully hard to move your truck for the plow when you can't see out the back or front.
Although I've experienced minor difficulties this weekend, such as the power going on and off all night and the lack of a land line and Internet there were people in my area who had been without power for over twenty-four hours and still don't have it yet. And when it's 10 degrees outside that is not a good thing. I'm so thankful for my house full of electricity!
As horrible as this weather is (and just when I was trying to beckon spring, too) I cannot deny the beauty that is in it.
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