Sunday, March 27

the importance of being earnest

Guess who's been neglecting her blog?
Obviously, you. 
Kidding. It's me. 
I've actually been in Indiana since Friday with limited Internet access. I went to see a play that my cousin was interpreting for (in ASL). It was sooo good. 
So I'll give you a little photo-dump. Enjoy!

Don't tell anyone... But. 
I was involved in illegal actions. There wasn't enough room for all of us once we got to Indiana, so my little cousin and I switched places being in the trunk. It was a little crowded. 

Ahh. I got to SWIM.

While swimming, Casie (my cousin) and I forgot to take off our mascara. 

While in Indiana I found these rainboots. 
HELLO KITTY. So perfect. 

I saw this cute little house. 
It's hot pink!! (the lighting wasn't superb)

Hilarious poster. Read it. 

I am finally an official fashion blogger.
I took a picture of my dinner. 

That concludes the photo-dumping.
I had such an amazing time, I really missed my cousin. 
Ahh. Love them. 

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