Monday, September 22

Chapter Five

Being six hours away from home stinks. Being seven away from the love of my life really stinks. Having friends who take my weirdness makes it a whole lot better. Even though they don't understand my Harry Potter references & look at me strange when I start talking about washing my hair in Lake Michigan & my endless string of stories about my cousins. I am precisely where I am meant to be. 

Photo creds to: Lauren Anne Photography

Sunday, September 21

Chapter Four

Over the summer I had the great opportunity to be a camp counselor at the camp that I've grown up going to. Not only was it a huge privilege and blessing to be a counselor to some awesome junior high girls, but I also had the opportunity to assist in leading worship. Because I don't have the opportunity to play "for fun" very much anymore it was such a great experience to have fun playing and leading. One of the songs we played was called Alabaster by Rend Collective Experiment. I had never heard the song, but it became an immediate favorite among the campers. Since then I've been listening to them a lot and something about their music completely speaks to me. 

Saturday, September 20

Chapter Three

  This semester has been jam packed with practicing, but I still don't feel like I'm practicing enough. My Junior recital is next semester & I basically should be practicing nonstop. It's funny how the thing that used to release my stress has became my stressor. Not completely, of course. I love playing. But there isn't a time where I ever just sit down to play what I'm feeling, I'm constantly checking something off on my practicing to-do list. 

Wednesday, September 17

Chapter Two

Thank God for:
Feet that run
Lungs that breathe
Legs that bend & stretch
And Nike

Because these are the things that continue let me run & be happy even in the most trying of times.

Tuesday, September 16

Chapter One

It's been 31 days since I saw him.
I may be a cheese ball, but that feels like a long time to go without him.
I miss him.

Photo Creds: Noelle Elisabeth Photography

Sunday, September 14


As I'm entering into my third year of college I've decided to attempt to revamp my blog a bit. I'm not the same girl I was at 16 and it's silly of me to try and write about the same things that interested me back then. It's sort of left me not wanting to blog, but I miss it. Having this creative outlet is something I truly miss. So, here is to a beautiful new day. A beautiful new blog full of the daily life of a really weird girl.