I've been in the mood to read in since finals last semester. There's just something about reading a good book for the heck of it that always entices me. Over Christmas break I read Sarah Dessen's "Dreamland" as it's one of my roommates favorite books that she was dying to have me read. I read it in two days or so and my reading spark was officially rekindled, so when I got back to school and found myself with next to nothing to do right now I picked a few books up from the library. I'm currently reading "Sex God" by Rob Bell and am finding so much truth within it! He's just one of those people who can easily voice what's on their mind, whether it be in speaking or writing, and he's full of so much knowledge that it's absolutely incredible. Anyway, I completely recommend the book! Are there any books that anyone has been reading lately that have really spoke to them? Fill me in, I'm always up for a new book or two... at least after I read the ever growing pile on my desk.
P.S. I linked the books on Amazon in case anyone is interested! They're so reasonably priced in the used section that you might as well read them, right?!?
I don't know if you've read it before, but The Shack is one of my favorite books.