The longer I'm home the more thankful I become that this place is my home. There is literally nowhere that I would rather be than in Bliss, Michigan. I sincerely believe that there is no where else on the entire planet that is as beautiful as this place is. I'm just infatuated with the beauty that surrounds me, from the tunnel of trees that engulfs me as I drive down to the beach & go on runs, to the sunset at the top of the nearby hills. I'm have become more & more thankful that two years ago I decided to leave home. The experience has given me a deep love & appreciation for the world around me, but it has also made me realize that this place is where I want to call my home.
I long to live a simple & meaningful life, & there is nowhere else I've found where so many simple & meaningful people have lived. Where people live on their gardens & take baths in the lake. Simple living is where it's at.